Stone Pump and Trench’s Website Comes Alive!
Web Design: 40+ pages w/ a site map, Drop Down Navigation, Secondary Side Navigation, Breadcrumbs, Custom Layout & Color Scheme, Printable PDF Applications, Document Downloads, Clean & Fast loading code
Behind the Scenes: XHTML, CSS, PHP, Extensive Breadcrumbs & File Structure, Custom Graphics & Layout, General SEO, Online Form (Application), Editable PDF for print or email
Comments: Stone Pump and Trench needed to take their old website and make it more organized and look up-to-date. We analyzed their services, determined the best way to present that to the user and began creating a file structure that is hopefully easier to navigate and much nicer to look at!
The biggest challenge of this project was the organization of the many services and products that Stone offers. Notice how many sections there are on the products & services page.