Blogs bring TRAFFIC to your website!
Blogs have been around for years, but only recently has the online community taken notice and started using these powerful marketing tools.
A few blogging statistics (if you don’t believe us):
- More than 133,000,000 blogs have been indexed by Technorati since 2002
- 77% of Internet users read blogs according to Universal McCann
Here’s some sites we’ve designed with blogs:
- Payroll Inc.’s Blog
- (Completely Powered by a Blog!)
At iComm Studios, we see first hand the awesome power of the BLOG. Time and time again we add a blog to a website and watch the traffic soar. There’s one important key to this equation, CONTENT! For your blog to be effective you’ve got to have quality content, period. For the ones who take this great marketing tool and use it, their traffic and stats almost always increase dramatically.