AddThis: Social Media Sharing

As a new web technology, AddThis is an effective social bookmarking service that is easily integrated into an existing website by using a widget. The AddThis widget offers companies the best way to deliver targeted advertising to social media as a promotional...

How to Use HootSuite for Social Media

If you find you are challenged by juggling your many business’ social media accounts, there is a way to make it easier. While it is important to generate a strong online social presence using a variety of social media accounts that include Twitter, Facebook, Google +,...

Great Google resources you may not have known about.

Anyone can make life easier by using great tech resources such as Google tools. There are many great resources for educators, students and anyone that needs to interact or communicate with others. View the complete list. Education With the full suite of applications,...

Easy Business Phone Numbers using Google Voice

Since Google Voice became available to everyone in the United States, many small and medium-size business owners saw the advantage of converting their communication system over to the Internet. The benefits of Google Voice include the fact that it offers a free phone...

Dropbox: Access Your Files Anywhere

Dropbox is simply a must-have online application for anyone that stores documents and multimedia. It is even more beneficial for anyone that works remotely or needs to carry files with them to another location. Instead of needing to carry the entire group of files,...